Quarta – A unique digital board game with Brett J. Gilbert

Quarta, my app with Brett J. Gilbert was released in July, just as Brett was nominated for a coveted Kennerspiel des Jahres award for Elysium.


While my apps with Brian Eno have been purely musical experiences, Quarta is a board game designed specifically to be played on iOS devices. I love the way it’s possible to completely lose yourself in apps like Carcassonne or Threes, and wanted to fuse that with the kind of musical engagement people found with Bloom. So Quarta creates a tranquil soundtrack based on the moves you make, and it grows more complex as you play.

Brett has been responsible for the icons and menu layouts in all of my apps to date. We have been friends for over twenty five years, and in the last decade he introduced me to the board game Carcassonne. I think I’ve lost against him on a more or less weekly basis for much of that time. He had the idea for Quarta when the iPad came out in 2010, and I’m very pleased that we’ve finally managed to realise it.

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