Off to Estonia

I’m just about to leave for Tallinn, Estonia where I’ll be playing several dates with Tim Bowness and Estonian duo Uma. Apparently, it’s been snowing for five days solid, and temperatures can reach -20 degrees. Thermals ahoy!

According to the blurb, “The Estonian ambient music duo meets with two Englishmen who love slow and floating music as much as UMA does. The breathtaking beauty in UMAs’ music will be doubled.”

I’m looking forward to using the iPad onstage alongside the piano, I’m finding it increasingly comfortable to use it as an instrument. I first used it live at a gig in Amsterdam on 28th April. I think I might have been one of the first people to use one onstage in Europe, as they were still rather hard to come by at that point. But I’m sure someone will prove me wrong…

More details on the concerts here

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